Who – Frederic Ansermoz – Photographer

Frederic Ansermoz PhotographerHi!

My name is Frederic Ansermoz and I am a photographer.


When I was a kid, I wasn’t interested into photography that much. I liked to take photos, rarely as it was expensive, you had to wait to see your pictures and it was not really dedicated for young people.
So I wasn’t showing any particular sign of attraction to photography for the future…
I was more interested in climbing on top of trees, playing outdoor and experimenting things.
But, as a little boy, I was still amazed in front of images. The only pictures that I was able to take, were done with my eyes and printed in my mind…


In 1999, I had a friend who has a digital camera and it was my digital photography discovery!
It was a Kodak something… Honestly, I don’t remember. But it was fun and very interesting!

Between 1999 and 2002, I was still doing some rare analog photos and time to time, using my friend’s camera for digital ones.


From 2002 to 2003, I was a salesman in photography shop.
That’s where I have started digital photography… with my 1.3 Megapixels camera, Olympus C-101 Zoom! And my 8Mo Smart Media card!
It was probably less than that (2Mo or 4Mo), I can’t remember exactly because, few times after, I’ve got some other cards (2Mo, 4Mo and even a 128Mo!).

I brought this camera in all my hikes and exploration. Feeling happy to be more able to share what I was able to see and discover.
I really like outdoor exploration, hiking, going into caves, climbing and, to describe it in one word, Nature.


A couple of years after, I have “invested” in a 4 Megapixels camera. Still happy with Olympus, I bought the C-460z.
Doing scuba diving, I bought a underwater case to shoot underwater photography. Here came the PT-21 case!


The quest of Megapixels was engaged, and few years after, my 8 Megapixels camera was the Fuji Finepix Z5.
I admit that it was more for the fact to have a more easily transportable camera, during concerts or parties.
I was not really happy with the images, but, it was really small.


By the year 2007 I have realised that taking photos turned slowly into a passion.
My own Christmas gift was a Canon EOS 400D, completed by a Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM zoom lens (My parents gift :) ), a grip and another battery.
And, a camera armor (plastic armor case)… you know, I do hiking!
I was ready to start into DSLR Photography.


Time has passed and now I am dotted with Canon EOS 7D and a bunch of new lenses (Canon 50mm, Sigma 50-500mm, Sigma 10-20mm, a focal extender x2).
Keeping my first Canon and zoom lens, it’s all an expedition when I go hiking and camping with my backpacks!
I really like to shoot landscapes, animals and I would love to be able to do more wildlife photography.


Shooting more and more photos and taking advantage of being a web developer, I have developed and designed IBuyPhotos.com, my stock photography website.
It’s probably not a big competitor among huge stock photography websites, but it’s mine :)
It aims more to make equipment more affordable to me, by selling my photos, than making photography a living. But you never know!
So please, you are more than welcome to visit it!


All photos on www.ansermoz-photography.com are under copyrights and protected.
So if you want to use some of them, please have a look first at IBuyPhotos.com to find them, and if you don’t find them or the one you want is not presented, please contact me.

I wish you to enjoy my site and find its content useful for you.
Take care!

Frederic Ansermoz

By: Frederic Ansermoz - Updated: