The impressive roar (bellow) of the red deer stag can be heard during the mating season (the rut period).
The Rut refers not only to the time of year when some mammal species are sexually receptive and mating, but also to the behavior they adopt.
In Europe, red deer’s mating season occurs during the Fall for about a month (from mid-September to mid-October), around the autumnal equinox.
Much less cautious than usual, male and female red deers gather together in open areas, which makes the mating season an ideal time to observe deers.
The red deer stag’s roar resonates throughout the forest and the mountains, which makes it easier for wildlife photographers to locate the animals, but unfortunately, for hunters also.
To photograph wild deers, in the middle of nature, you must first browse hunting websites to know the dates, zones, possible period extensions, etc., if you want to be more serene (and stay alive) once in the woods.

F11, 1/200 sec, 500 mm, ISO800, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F11, 1/500 sec, 500 mm, ISO640, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F8, 1/1000 sec, 600 mm, ISO1000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F8, 1/400 sec, 500 mm, ISO4000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F8, 1/400 sec, 500 mm, ISO640, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F5.6, 1/800 sec, 270 mm, ISO500, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/500 sec, 481 mm, ISO500, Canon EOS 7D Mark II
The Rut is also the period of love.
Old males put their efforts to gather their herd (up to 30 heads), defend it and mate with female deers that are fertile for less than a day.
The young male red deers, without herd, will go on an adventure and try to conquer the hinds, avoiding the clash with the dominant male.
During possible fights between deers, we can hear the sound of wood clashing in the forest, from a good distance.
The deer antlers, which grow back every spring, are now mature before falling in the middle of winter.
All of this makes the rut period a very physically demanding time for red deers, who eat almost nothing and have no break during their activities.

F6.3, 1/320 sec, 600 mm, ISO16000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/130 sec, 332 mm, ISO6400, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F2.8, 1/400 sec, 200 mm, ISO3200, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F5.6, 1/400 sec, 309 mm, ISO3200, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/200 sec, 600 mm, ISO500, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F2.8, 1/160 sec, 200 mm, ISO8000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/2500 sec, 569 mm, ISO3200, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F2.8, 1/250 sec, 200 mm, ISO3200, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F5, 1/640 sec, 150 mm, ISO2500, Canon EOS 7D Mark II
I hope that you liked my pictures of the red deer’s rut period, and that this article will have given you a little more information about this impressive and critical period of the deers life.
I would have liked to present you better photographs, but every year, when I can, I go on the adventure to take better shots.

F6.3, 1/200 sec, 600 mm, ISO4000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/500 sec, 481 mm, ISO500, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/800 sec, 500 mm, ISO8000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/250 sec, 413 mm, ISO1250, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F2.8, 1/400 sec, 200 mm, ISO3200, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F2.8, 1/2500 sec, 125 mm, ISO4000, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/1250 sec, 440 mm, ISO1250, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F6.3, 1/400 sec, 500 mm, ISO1600, Canon EOS 7D Mark II

F5.6, 1/1250 sec, 300 mm, ISO1250, Canon EOS 7D Mark II
My approaches to the animals are done as respectfully as possible (even if being in the forest at the same time as them, represents a certain inconvenience). It can even happen, when I’m too close, to not take any pictures to not scare the animals away.
They are already quite tired of their activities, and often of their hunting.
Be sure to make your observations as discreetly as possible (camouflage, remotely, etc.)
Take good photos and have good observations!