Hi photographers!
Here are some recent shots from a night photography session, here in Montreal.
Except for the picture of the construction structure, shooted with the Canon 70-200mm F4 lens, all shots were done with the Sigma 10-20mm lens.
Using a tripod, exposure time was between 8 and 17 seconds. ISO 100 and aperture F11/F16. Camera Canon EOS 7D.
You can see the Montreal’s Place D’Armes with the Maisonneuve Monument, in front of the Notre-Dame Basilica and surrounded by old buildings.

Place d'Armes in Montreal with Maisonneuve monument by night
F18, 8 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D
F18, 8 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D

Basilica Notre Dame of Montreal by night at Place d'Armes
F18, 13 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D
F18, 13 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D

Night photography in Montreal in Place d'Armes
F18, 7 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D
F18, 7 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D

Montreal City Hall by night photography
F18, 12 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D
F18, 12 sec, 10 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D

Building in construction by night
F18, 11 sec, 200 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D
F18, 11 sec, 200 mm, ISO100, Canon EOS 7D