Abandoned Paper Recycling Plant of Montreal

The abandoned paper recycling plant of Montreal is located near the Lachine Canal, south part of Montreal island.
Made of red bricks walls and wooden floors and structures, the old abandoned plant still contains lots of recycling bins and paper rolls. Something good to do a little urbex session.
The factory was partially destroyed in 2011 by a fire. More than 125 firefighters were on the scene to stop the flames.
Few walls and roof parts are collapsed. Rusty bolts and barrels are scattered in the building, even a lonely toilet remains there.

Doing some urban exploration in the abandoned place with my friend Jarold, we found some pieces that can be “collectors” now!
An old Mortal Kombat arcade game, a surf board, some really old machines on the top floor etc.
A Bishman – Infrared Permatronic 2 – Wheel Alignment machine, but I can’t find any info about it. No clue if it’s for printing purpose or else.

I spent quite some time with a typewriter on a desk and a wooden chair.
It was interesting to take pictures of this desk setting, with the room’s perspective as background

On the basement, some barrels containing some chemical substances, are leaking… so, it’s not really great.
It was interesting to explore this abandoned paper recycling plant in Montreal, allowing me to discover a piece of history, have another abandoned place close by, and do some urban photography.

Urban exploration can be dangerous and illegal, so please be careful if you visit those abandoned places. We do not encourage you to explore them, but if you do, please respect those old places.
You enter at your own risks!

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