Hi all,
Here are some photos from the abandoned bunker in Lattes (France).
This is a german blockhaus from the Second World War (WW2) to defend the Maultier Radar Station in Languedoc.
It’s R680 bunker type which was used to hide and protect a 7.5 cm Pak 40 (7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40), a German 7.5 centimeters anti-tank gun developed in 1939-1941.
The Maultier Station was also protected by Anti Aircraft (AA) guns, know as Flak (Flakartillerie in german), air defence units.
Night Time photographs:

In South of France, Hérault County was also occupied by the german troups, and it`s still possible to see vestige of those dark times.
The defense line along the French Mediterranean Coast (form Cerbère to Menton) was named Südwall, and its goal was to avoid an invasion from the Allies. Composed by 7 coastal defense areas covering the 864 km of the French Mediterranean Coast from the Spanish borber to the Italian border.
Bunkers exploration is called Archeobunker, a mix of archeology and bunkers so. It`s more than a simple urban exploration, as it gives a sensation of exploring History and time travelling.
Day Time photographs:

Some photographs taken with my friends couple, Cédric and Christelle, brand new urbexers and now addicted to urban exploration.
We did some lightpainting with LED lights and torch lights. It was really interesting to work on different angles to see different results.
Hope you will like it.
A special thank you, for their warm welcome during our explorations in the area, to Le Mazerand restaurant (Mas de Causse), the Domaine de Causse and Le Mas de Couran.
Urban exploration can be dangerous and illegal, so please be careful if you visit those abandoned places. We do not encourage you to explore them, but if you do, please respect those old places.
You enter at your own risks!