Photos and video of little red fox cubs playing together, while waiting for their mum to come back to the burrow.
It’s something rare for wildlife photographer to encounter scenes like the one I had a chance to see.
I was happy to discover the den of a red fox family, near some fields and forest in Switzerland.
I spent 5 hours photographing and filming the 4 little fox cubs playing together.
I stayed camouflaged and remained silent during this time, simply enjoying the show provided by the four little beasts.
Red foxes reproduce once a year, mainly between January and February. The gestation period lasts 51–53 days, and female foxes (vixens) give birth between March and May, to an average of 4 to 6 cubs. It can be between 1 to up to 12.
It takes place in a burrow, which is rarely dug by the fox itself. It typically uses a badger burrow, or one of a rabbit or groundhog or even a natural cavity in the rocks or stumps.
Fox cubs are born deaf, blind, and toothless, with dark brown fluffy fur.
During the two first weeks, the mum stays all the time with the cubs. The male provides food, but he is not accepted inside the burrow.
Fox cubs start to open their eyes around the 10th day. The fox mum, which has lost some weight, starts to get out of the burrow to hunt.
The little foxes start to grow teeth around the 18th day, and slowly begin t to eat solid food, rather than the mother’s milk. Between the 3rd and 4th week, little fights appear among the cubs, in order to settle a hierarchy.
After 4 weeks, the fox start to go outside of the burrow, but not to far from it.
In July, the whole fox family leave the den to settle somewhere else (in a field, or close to a place to hunt). Fox cubs start to become more independant, and go their own way during Autumn season.
Two days prior going to Japan for the first time, I had the chance to film and photograph those 4 little beasts :).
Few days after, I discovered the tokyo artist, haruka nakamura, while listening at some of his compositions in a nice coffee place in Nikko.
Few weeks later, I edited this video with haruka’s music Arne, from the album Grace.
I hope you liked my photos and video of little red fox cubs playing together, and I hope you liked the music too.
I would like to thank Haruka Nakamura for allowing me to use his amazing song Arne on my video, and also Inpartmaint Music Publishing and Schole Inc., for letting me use it too.
haruka nakamura – arne ( )
Music Publisher:
Inpartmaint Music Publishing :
Music Label:
Schole Inc.: